After the harrowing experience yesterday, I was very hesitant to continue with my 'to-be-reviewed' books. However, I needed to exercise and finishing these books while exercising has become my motivation lately. I read half of this already at the hospital while my dad was getting surgery but I know all too well that books can go downhill fast. Not that that's what happened yesterday because that whole book was a mess but when a story goes down. It goes down. I really need to find which genre is my palette cleanser.
Anyway, I really enjoyed this. I enjoyed it more towards the end but the whole book had this calming effect. The way it was written was just very relaxing to me, I don't know why. There are some funny parts but they're more towards the later half of the book as things are winding down. That doesn't mean that the beginning of the book wasn't entertaining, it just means that the later half was more entertaining than the first.
The one thing that really bothered me was the three chapters used for flashbacks, they were quite boring but I think it's because I'm not fan of complete flashbacks in books. Especially since the topics covered in the flashbacks were continuously covered throughout the book. So it was an unnecessary three chapters. As if she had to have a certain page count and just decided to throw it in.
Darcy is a nice little character, she's a librarian and a little bit over-dramatic. She makes friends with her summer neighbors. But only half-way through the book. I think that was the biggest problem was that the bulk of the story happened in the second half and it left for really nothing in the first half. She took the first half to set up the location and characters. Other than that the book is great. It's barely 300 pages so it's a pretty quick read and I even had a few laugh out loud moments.
I struggled what to tag this as. Though, after some googling I figured out that women's fiction is an umbrella genre so I tagged with both chick lit and women's fiction because it's definitely chick lit.
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